Saturday, October 16, 2010

Entry #7 Conduct a running record/miscue analysis on 2 second language learners, one that speaks Spanish, and one that speaks another language. Analyze the miscues for M-meaning, S-syntax, and V-visual cues. Are there some features of the errors that reflect the first language? What are some next teaching points based on this data? Answer these questions and discuss possible strategies or assignments to address the reading challenges you see. (Include the running records on your blog as well.)

Above are the running records for two English language learners from my class. Oswaldo is a native spanish speaker and Alicia is a native thai speaker. After analyzing Oswaldo's running record I found that he is using the visual cuing system regularly. When trying to decode words he used letters and their sounds but he did not ask himself if the words he tried sounded like real words and if they made sense in the sentence. Obviously, since he is a second language learner, it is hard for him to decide whether the words he is trying are actually English words or not. With that being said, a next step in instruction for him would be to increase vocabulary. Also teaching him the vowel sounds and the rules for when vowels are long and short. This will help him decode words accurately and thus increase his bank of words. Alicia, conversely is not using visual cues enough. When she tried to decode words she would just try a word and keep reading even if it did not make since like when she said "speaked" instead of "picked" or "crumpled" instead of "chattered." A next step for her would be to teach her to tune in to beginning and ending sounds. She needs to also slow down when she reads so that she is using her other cuing systems as well. Neither of these students' miscues appeared to having any significant relationship to their native language.  

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